Among all the fresh water fishes that I have kept till today, zebra danios are honestly not my very favorite ones, the reason being they are so fast swimmers that I just tend to get confused with their distinct patterns, differentiation and life style.However they blend very well with an Indian biotope style aquarium.

It is found in the spring seasons specially in lakes and rivers of India, and other South-east Asian countries.
They have the scientific name – Danio rerio, belonging to the family Cyprinidae. They are very common in the lakes/rivers of my place.

Generally being referred to as a small fish it hardly reaches a size of 2.5 inches. The males are more like streamlined, whereas the females are oval shaped.
The females become bigger & heavier while having eggs in their bellies. Since, these fishes tends to stay in fast moving water, they have streamlined type of body-built.
Hardness among the wild species is much more than the tank breed ones.

Danios are pretty non-fussy eaters. Any fishes I have purchased till today very readily accept any food I have given them.
Right now I have four zebra danios in my tank, and they readily accept Daphnia, pellets, bloodworms etc.; but I would rather suggest that a meal or two should be skipped to maintain their optimum health.

As for most of the fishes, I always suggest a more humane approach towards the water changes. I myself have guided to understand that a weekly 10-25% water change is enough to sustain their optimum health. I have had my zebra’s in my 30 gallon tank, and I do a water change once in every two weeks.
Live plants also ensure their health remains at the best. A pH of 6-7 and a hardiness of 5-12 dGH with a temperature ranging from anywhere between 15-30. C is great for their health.

Zebra danios can be kept with other ‘Cyprindae’, neons, of almost all types, catfishes, all kinds of brabs, gouramis, platys, sword tails, etc.; however this being said extra care has to be taken while keeping them with fishes having long-fins.
I rather had a very horrifying experience with a deathly combination of angels & danios way back in 2016, but I have kept them in a five gallon tank.
Otherwise zebra are peaceful fishes and are more interested in chasing each other than the fishes of other species.

The stripes in both the genders are same, but as being said females can be identified by their round bodies built. These guys are extreme breeders, and is known to be having a single soul-mate.
Keeping young zebras together help them to choose their mates from a young age.
I have once noticed a breeder of my area keeping mating pairs in gravel substrate. She explained me this helps the eggs to just drop between the gravel, and ensures that the adults don’t gulp them.

Although I have never have any luck seeing any long-tailed or any other species, but scrolling through ‘Google’, I came across various albino, veil varieties.
The wild species seem to be a extreme fascination of the hobbyists of my place and me too.

Poor water quality can make the fish sick & vulnerable to secondary infection. These fishes are a easy target. A strain of Mycobacterium resulting in the untimely death of the fishes. Variation of symptoms may be present.

Although not my personal favorite but zebra danios are a definite choice for many fish keepers and durability. This amazing little torpedo makes the aquarium fuller with immense momentum.
The ease of keeping such simple fishes makes aquarium hobby less stressful and more enjoyable.
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